
Hello Parents! We know you have some questions and we would like to do our best to answer them. Listed are some frequently asked questions by parents...

Q: Is there a house manager or someone who oversees the house?
A: Yes, we have a "House Mom", Monica,  who lives in our house. She is in charge of the staff that works at the house, planning meals, and keeping our house running smoothly. 

Q: Who cooks meals/when do you eat?
A: We have a chef that cooks two meals a day Monday-Thursday and Friday we have brunch.  Lunch is from 11-1 and Dinner is from 5-7. Breakfast is items that our house mom has put in the pantry and fridge.  We also have Monday night dinners with the whole chapter starting at 6pm.

Q: Where can I send my daughter packages and mail?
A: PO Box 3165 Las Cruces, NM 88003

Q: Are there family weekends?
A: Yes, in the Spring we do a parents weekend where you are welcome to come spend the weekend with your daughter and partcipate in various events. In the past we have done a Parents Weekend Brunch and an Aggie baseball game! 

Also you can find other information such as...

Our billing system
Anti-Hazing policies
Acadmeic Achievement
Scholarship Programs
Philanthropy and Service
Think Pink 
GreekLifeEdu and AlcoholEdu

On our national website:

Zeta Tau Alpha National Website!

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